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Tick Data


* @param pool - Contract address of the pool
* @param tickBitmapIndex - Index in the tick bitmap for the 256-bit word
* @return populatedTicks - TickData array sorted from highest tick first
function getTickDataInWord(
address pool,
int16 tickBitmapIndex
) public returns (TickData[] memory populatedTicks)

Get all the data for pool ticks at a specified word index.

The TickData struct has the following fields:

    struct TickData {
* @custom:field tick
* @notice The index of the tick
int24 tick;

* @custom:field liquidityDelta
* @notice The +/- liquidity change at the tick
* @notice Delta applied for upward crosses
* @notice Opposite delta applied for downward crosses
int128 liquidityDelta;

* @custom:field liquidityAbsolute
* @notice The absolute value of liquidity at the tick
uint128 liquidityAbsolute;

Word Details

Each word is 256 bits and contains up to 256 ticks.

One word will cover a % price move equal to:

((1 + (tickSpacing / 20000)) ^ 256) * 100 - 100

For a tick spacing of 10 this will be ~13.65%.